Bible Verses About Fear to Help You Stand Amidst Storms
Everyone has fears, and no two people have the exact same fears. We react in interestingly unique ways to the things that cause us fear. Some people steer clear of their fears altogether, while others confront them head-on, by watching scary movies, going on roller coasters, jumping out of airplanes, or reading Bible verses about fear. Fear is a natural emotion that we all feel, and it can exist on a scale from mild all the way to debilitating. Depending on the types of fears you have and how severe they are, your fears might hold you back from performing daily tasks or advancing in important areas of your life. The Bible provides us with much wisdom regarding fear, and that wisdom can help us as we try to overcome our fears and live boldly in the freedom that only Jesus Christ can give us. What causes our fear? We have all felt fear at some point in our lives, and in most situations we are able to isolate the cause of our fears. In general, fear is a complex emotion that may not always have a single primary cause. Experiences such as trauma may become the source of future fears, while other fears arise due to the physical symptoms they cause. For instance, heights might make you feel dizzy and nauseous, which can lead to a fear of high places. In other situations, fear may represent fear of an entirely different experience altogether, such as a fear of losing control. In addition, fear can be triggered by many different things. For instance, it can be triggered by specific things or objects, such as dogs, spiders, snakes, flying, or high places. Or it can be triggered by specific situations, like meeting new people or being in public. Or it [...]