Everyone feels moments of anxiety. However, if your anxiety is interfering with your daily activities, work, and relationships, then it may be time to seek help. Christian anxiety counseling in Allen, Texas, might be your answer.

At Allen Christian Counseling in Texas, professional counselors combine evidence-backed psychology with faith-based principles and the grace and compassion of Jesus Christ to help clients through their anxiety.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2459

According to Forbes, over 40 million adults in the U.S. suffer from at least one anxiety disorder. You are not alone. Our brains are wired to recognize stressful situations and initiate the fight or flight response for protection.

But what sets off our anxiety today is not a panther hunting us for dinner. It can be related to an overwhelming workload, family drama, aging parents, chronic illnesses, financial strain, past trauma, and other daily issues that affect our minds and physical health.

This long-term stress works its way into our unconscious mind and creates an underlying anxiety disorder. We find it difficult to let the stress go, and even when we try to fall asleep, our minds look for a solution to the problem, not allowing us to rest.

Anxiety disorder symptoms and severity vary between conditions. A symptom may be mild for one person but may leave another emotionally debilitated.

The following is a list of common anxiety symptoms:

  • Irritability or feeling on edge
  • Trouble concentrating or focusing on tasks
  • Forgetfulness
  • Insomnia or trouble staying asleep
  • Headaches and unexplained body aches
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Digestive issues
  • Muscle tension
  • Isolation
  • Appetite changes
  • Trembling
  • Dizziness from shallow breathing
  • Sense of impending doom
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Avoiding anxiety triggers
  • Panic attacks

One or more of these symptoms may sound familiar. The counselors at Allen Christian Counseling in Texas are well-versed in anxiety symptoms and disorders. During your initial assessment, your counselor will determine the severity of your symptoms.

Under the umbrella of anxiety lie several disorders, including:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder – One of the most common anxiety disorders, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or GAD, causes excessive worry and fear. With this condition, anxiety lasts more than six months.
  • Panic disorder – Most notably, panic disorder is marked by panic attacks. The person may experience a panic attack without a trigger present. Symptoms can include chest pain or tightness, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, feeling faint or dizzy, trembling, and hot flashes.
  • Social anxiety disorder – Social situations trigger anxiety symptoms in people with social anxiety disorder. They may display irrational fear or worry or experience a panic attack when faced with everyday social situations.
  • Separation anxiety disorder – Often seen in children, separation anxiety disorder causes children to become highly anxious when separated from a parent. They may withdraw, have nightmares, or complain of unexplained physical aches and pains.
  • Anxiety due to a medical condition – Sometimes medical conditions such as cancer, COPD, thyroid issues, and fluctuations in hormone levels can trigger an anxiety disorder.
  • Anxiety from substance abuse – Substance abuse of illegal drugs, prescription medication, or alcohol can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Often, people will use a substance to take the edge off their worry and stress. Instead, the opposite occurs, and they can become more anxious and panicky.
  • Phobia anxiety – Phobias carry their own level of fear and anxiety. Although to the outside world this fear is irrational, to the sufferer, the threat is real.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – PTSD anxiety can be debilitating. People with PTSD often experience panic attacks.
  • Other specified or unspecified anxiety disorders – Disorders and phobias that do not meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder diagnosis fall into the other specified or unspecified anxiety disorder category. These are no less debilitating.

If you suspect that your anxiety falls into one of these types, reach out to a Christian counselor in Allen, Texas today. Each anxiety disorder requires a different approach and can vary between clients.

The writer of Psalms talked about anxiety quite often. God knows that we worry and dwell on fears from the past and future. At Allen Christian Counseling in Texas, we combine our knowledge of psychology and behavioral therapies with the teaching of Jesus Christ. We are able to extend this compassion and grace to others and help them recognize their worth in God’s eyes.

Get Started Today

Contact our office in Allen, Texas today. We will connect you with a Christian counselor in Allen, Texas or the surrounding areas who can meet with you, either in person or virtually. Your counselor at Allen Christian Counseling will assess your anxiety symptoms, create a care plan, and walk the journey with you as you manage and overcome anxiety and stress.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2459