Have you, or has someone you know suffered from abandonment or neglect either in the past or in the present? It can be difficult to tell because the somewhat hidden nature of these issues makes them hard to see. As a result, they often go undetected for months, or even years. They can remain unaddressed until their effects seem to spring out of nowhere, causing problems in relationships and overall mental health.

The professional Christian counselors at Allen Christian Counseling want to help you heal from the negative effects of abandonment and neglect. They offer faith-based therapy to any who have suffered from abandonment and neglect regardless of age.

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Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2459

The APA Dictionary of Psychology defines abandonment as “desertion or substantial leave-taking by a parent or primary caregiver of their custodial and other responsibilities to a dependent. Dependents are usually children but may also be adult individuals who are ill.”

Neglect, on the other hand, is defined as the “failure to provide for the basic needs of a person in one’s care. The neglect may be emotional (e.g., rejection or apathy), material (e.g., withholding food or clothing), or service-oriented (e.g., depriving of education or medical attention).”

Child Abandonment or Neglect

Child abandonment is a criminal act that occurs when a parent or legal guardian refuses to provide adequate care for a child for whom they are legally or morally responsible. Similarly, child neglect is when a parent or legal guardian fails to provide adequate care for a child for whom they are legally or morally responsible.

Marital Abandonment or Neglect

Marital abandonment is when one spouse leaves the marriage without having either mutual agreement or adequate justification, refusing to accept their responsibilities, whether legal or moral, concerning their partner regarding welfare, intimacy, and support. Marital neglect, likewise, is a withholding of these things without adequate justification.

Senior Dependent Neglect

Senior dependent neglect occurs when the things required for a senior dependent’s safety, health, and welfare are not provided, are insufficiently provided, or are purposely withheld by a caregiver who is legally or morally responsible for the senior’s well-being.

The symptoms of abandonment and neglect can look different, depending on the person or situation, but here are some that show up most commonly:

  • Substance abuse
  • Isolating oneself
  • Having a low self-image
  • Insecurity
  • Trust issues
  • Feeling out of control
  • Excessive and unwarranted shame
  • Feeling and being socially vulnerable
  • Overreaction to things, such as insults, being left out, or criticism
  • Obsessing about abandonment
  • Depression
  • Doubting oneself
  • Frequent and undesired flashbacks
  • Chronic anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Hopelessness and despair
  • Grief

Please contact Allen Christian Counseling today if anything on this list describes you. We have trained therapists available to help you work through your symptoms and address the root causes of fears.

The good news is that recovery from the devastating effects of abandonment or neglect can be possible in even the most extreme cases. We at Allen Christian Counseling can help you work through your symptoms and once again find mental health. Though your abandonment and neglect issues may not have been dealt with for many years, you are not alone. Neither abandonment nor neglect needs to permanently define who you are, exert control over your life, or determine the course of the rest of your life.

Just as every person’s situation is different, so everyone’s journey to mental health is different. Your counselor will work with you to determine the number of counseling sessions and the particular counseling techniques that best fit your situation and needs.

Sin has vastly complicated the human condition. Daily life and family dynamics have been so warped by sin that understanding them can be difficult. You don’t have to struggle alone. There is help and hope because God says He will always be with His children (Matt. 28:20) and loves those who believe in Him (John 16:27).

If you are struggling with issues related to abandonment or neglect, help from a professional Christian therapist may be advisable. They will provide therapy rooted in the Bible’s teachings to help you deal with the pain, distrust, and grief.

Exposing the foundations of your fear of abandonment or neglect will provide you the opportunity to come to terms with them and ultimately find healing. Occasionally, anxiety medications or anti-depressants may prove helpful over the short term in addition to the counseling.

At Allen Christian Counseling, we want to see you succeed and find mental health and peace. For more information, please browse our online Christian counselor directory, or give us a call at (469) 943-2459.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2459