Fear is how our body and mind react to an actual or perceived danger or threat. Our fear response is important as it functions to alert us to danger and help us survive threatening situations. It is important to note that not all fear is bad. In most cases, it is linked to our survival instinct. However, sometimes fear needs to be overcome.

Fear only becomes a problem when it is unfounded, constant, or debilitating. This is when our fear, especially when the danger is not real, disrupts our ability to function.

Tips for how to overcome fear

Since fear can be a complex emotional response, overcoming it will require different strategies and techniques. Below are some suggestions that could help:

Face it

Facing fear involves identifying what it is, understanding it, and identifying its root cause. We all fear different things for different reasons. If it is a fear of rejection, for example, recognizing it and realizing where it is hindering one’s life is a start. Having identified it, it will be time to face it. Starting small and in a safe environment, people can challenge themselves to do that which they fear.

Educate yourself

Knowledge is power. Education about the type of fear you experience can be empowering, giving you a better perspective. By educating yourself, you are empowered to challenge any negative thoughts that fuel your fear. Being able to reframe your thoughts comes from an evidence-based approach.

Take time out

This is helpful when our physical body reacts to our fear. This can be through rapid breathing, shortness of breath, or fast heart rate. If this happens, take time out. Try to distract yourself so you can calm down physically. Taking a walk, having a shower or bath, getting some air, all of these can help regulate your body. You can also incorporate relaxation techniques like deep breathing to help you cope.

Practice positive affirmations

The battle against fear is mostly fought in our minds. When we practice positive affirmations, we are challenging the negative thoughts that plunge us into fear. These affirmations give us the confidence to confront fears as we imagine ourselves successfully overcoming situations that scare us.


Self-care goes a long way in living and maintaining a life that makes it possible to reduce stress, fear, and anxiety. Making sure you are sleeping, eating, and exercising gives you a better chance to manage your mental health and overall well-being. This means that when confronted with it, you are better equipped to overcome fear.

Celebrate small steps

Doing the very thing we dread can be daunting. Taking time to recognize and celebrate the small and big steps of living without fear is important. It encourages us to continue venturing out. This could mean simply buying yourself chocolate after having had that difficult conversation you dreaded or celebrating with friends after having delivered a work speech. Small and big steps need to be celebrated.

Build community

We cannot make it in life on our own. Having a group of people you can reach out to, that can offer advice, insight, or a shoulder to cry on, can go a long way. Talking to those we trust about our fears can be half the battle. It means you will not walk alone, and others are always there to offer valuable support. This support can also come from seeking the help of a mental health professional.

Reach out for support

When fear becomes too disruptive to your ability to live and function, it might be time to seek the help of a professional. If you think you are in this space and are looking for a safe space to process, reach out to us for support. We have trained therapists and counselors ready to help with personalized strategies and tools to live a life free from fear.

“White Blossoms”, Courtesy of Haberdoedas, Unsplash.com, CC0 License