If your teen is experiencing problems that seem to be more than you can manage, professional counselors at Allen Christian Counseling are available to help you. You may have seen signs like withdrawal, moodiness, or a communication breakdown between you and your team and wonder if they are signs of a deeper issue. If you have noticed signs like rebellion, addiction, or self-harm, it is important to get help for your teen as soon as possible. These are common problems we frequently see in our office at Allen Christian Counseling.

Today’s teenagers are under enormous pressure, which is likely far more than you experienced when you were a teen. Teens face heavy loads of responsibility at school, work, and home, yet also have greater social expectations and online temptations than you may be able to imagine. Many teens are not able to manage the weight of this pressure, and they could collapse in fear, anxiety, or frustration. We can help your teen get back on his or her feet after experiencing overwhelming pressure.

Most teens benefit greatly from receiving talk therapy. A qualified counselor at Allen Christian Counseling in Texas can offer an unbiased objective perspective in a safe place for your teen to unload his or her burdens. When you choose Christian counseling, your teen’s counselor will offer guidance based on biblical principles.

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Common Reasons for Counseling for Teens

There are many reasons that teens seek counseling, but these are among the most common reasons they come to our offices. If your teen struggles with any of these issues, you can find Bible-based solutions through a Christian counselor in Allen, Texas.

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety is the top problem for today’s teenagers. Your teen may have many triggers to cause him or her to feel anxious or fearful. Left untreated, anxiety can morph into depression or other life-threatening problems.

Your teen’s anxiety could be related to real triggers or perceived triggers. These triggers could also be linked to imbalances in brain chemistry, genetic predisposition to mental disorders, or depression. A qualified counselor at Allen Christian Counseling in Texas will be able to determine why your teen is being triggered and how to address the triggers they are facing.

If you notice that your teen seems unusually anxious or depressed for at least two weeks, it is a good idea to schedule an initial appointment with a carrying counselor. Since teens are not skilled in handling strong emotions on their own, they could use self-destructive behaviors to offset their negative feelings. By intervening in a timely fashion, you can get your team the help he or she needs before problems worsen.

Family Dysfunction

Family dysfunction plays a huge role in a teen’s mental and emotional health. It is common for a teen to feel sad, angry, confused, or defiant if his or her parents are divorced or experiencing frequent marital tension. A compassionate Christian counselor can help your teen sort out his or her feelings and apply Bible truths to counteract the lies they believe.

You may have noticed that your teen is experiencing fatigue, headaches, body pains with no explanation, or gastrointestinal issues. These physical ailments could be related to dysfunction in the family. Other behaviors to notice include angry outbursts, crying spells, withdrawal from the family, and lack of interest in activities your teen once enjoyed. Talking with a counselor can set your teen’s mind at ease and introduce health into your family dynamics.


Bullying is not an issue limited to the elementary school playground. Your teen may be a victim of in-person or online bullying, and this can take a heavy toll on your teen’s sense of self-worth. Bullying is a serious issue that can quickly spiral toward disastrous results. If you notice that your teen’s mood changes quickly overnight, this may be due to a bully’s negative influence.

The first action to take is to speak with your child’s school counselor about your suspicion of bullying. It is also good to connect your child with a Christian counselor to help your teen heal from the trauma he or she experienced from the bully. Your teen needs to know how much God loves him or her, and a caring Christian counselor will reaffirm this truth during counseling sessions in Allen, Texas, which will help your teen recover from deep hurt.


Teens are the most likely age group to practice self-harm. Most teens who are caught up in this destructive behavior engage in it due to feelings of anxiety, distress, being overwhelmed, or depression. Teens often do not realize that patterns of self-harm over a long period can become life-threatening. You must seek professional help from a Christian counselor if you suspect that your teen is practicing self-harm behaviors.

Your teen will likely take great care to hide evidence of self-harm. But if you notice forms of self-harm such as pulling hair, picking at skin, or burning, do not hesitate to reach out for help from a counselor. The issues that drive your team to practice self-harm can be addressed and overcome with a caring counselor’s help.

Eating Disorders

Many teens experience eating disorders that affect them in different ways. Eating disorders include anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and compulsive eating disorders, to name a few. The teen years are the most susceptible years for eating disorders to develop. If you think your teen may be struggling with an eating disorder, you must get Christian counseling help as soon as possible.

When eating disorders are left untreated, they pose a threat to your teen’s reproductive system and internal organs. Talk therapy is a good place to start treating the root causes of any eating disorder your teen may be experiencing. You can talk with a counselor to know what type of treatment plan will be best suited for your teen’s needs.

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(469) 943-2459

Teens are unique because they are still dependent on their parents for guidance and care, but they are also distancing themselves as an essential act of growing up and becoming more independent. Teens’ brains do not fully develop until the age of twenty-five, so parents must stay involved in treatment plans for their mental health.

Teens will commonly take longer to establish a relationship with their counselors as compared to adults. However, the counselors at our offices know how to establish an environment of trust and support with teenagers so your routine will be able to relax and open up sooner.

In some situations, it can be helpful for your family to receive family counseling alongside the counseling your teen is receiving one on one. When a problem is impacting the whole family, it can improve faster if each family member participates in the counseling process. A few counseling sessions with your teen will help your counselor know what the best counseling plan for your teen is and possibly your whole family.

Christian Counseling for Teens

Christian counseling for teens is good for teens who need extra care and support. Parents sometimes assume that their teens are resilient, but this is not always true. Your teen may need additional help from a qualified counselor to get through a difficult transition or help carry a load of burdens for a certain period.

Teens often do not understand how to process strong emotions like anger, fear, sadness, and desire in healthy ways. Since a qualified Christian counselor understands how your teen’s brain is in development, the counselor can meet your teen where he or she is at his or her stage of development. Talk therapy sessions for your teen at Allen Christian Counseling will provide relief and affirmation.

If you or your teen are interested in learning more about how counseling for teens can help, give us a call today at Allen Christian Counseling to set up an initial consultation. We will find the best method of treatment for your teen’s individual needs and help him or her overcome obstacles and forge a hopeful path forward.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2459